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FGD Freedom to Learn - Independent Campus

On October 21, 2020, the Department of Chemistry Education, YSU, held a FGD to prepare guidelines for the development and implementation of the cooperation program for the Chemistry study program, the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) curriculum. The speaker at this FGD activity was Dr. Sri Suning Kusumawardani from Gadjah Mada University and Dr. rer.nat Senam who is a lecturer in the department of chemistry education, FMIPA, UNY who also serves as the vice rector for planning and cooperation affairs at Yogyakarta State University.
In the FGD activity, it discusses MBKM curriculum which is embedded in the existing curriculum, so it is necessary to look for an equalization bridge, or linking with existing courses for the conversion room where the technique is included in structure form 2. As for apprenticeship activities / humanitarian projects / KKN, if the study program already has a partner, it can be downgraded to what Programme Learning Outcome (PLO) can then be taken from these partners and continued by looking for appropriate courses for the PLO. Conversely, if the study program do not have a partner, then the steps taken are looking at the intended CPL, looking for converter courses, and ending with looking for partners. Research projects can be synergized with final assignments, partners, other universities, and institutional institutions.
MoU or MoA or IA must be made as a document to strengthen cooperation which aims to assist study programs in equating the perspective of the responsibilities of supervisors on campus and partners to produce the expected PLO. Regarding the MBKM design chosen by UNY, the model 5-1-2, 6-1-1 and 6-0-2.
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