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General Lecture by Beti Febriana Lestari, STP: PT Indolakto Practicioner
Chemistry Study Program held a General Lecture by Practitioners of PT Indolakto by presenting Beti Febriana Lestari, STP on Saturday, June 12, 2021. This public lecture was conducted as part of the Industrial Management and Industrial Chemistry courses with lecturer Dewi Yuanita Lestari, M.Sc., Isti Yunita, Ph.D., Annisa Fillaeli, M.Sc., and Dr. Chyorini Kusumawardani. PT Indolakto, formerly known as PT Indomilk, is a pioneer company in the modern manufacture of Sweetened Condensed Milk (SCM) in Indonesia.
Beti Febriana Lestari, STP has worked at PT Indolakto for 20 years with experience in various positions, namely 1 year as Management Trainee, 13 years in Production, 3 years in Factory Quality, and 3 years as Quality Improvement. On that occasion, Beti Febriana Lestari, STP conveyed about the Food Quality System Design. He conveyed 5 important points beginning with: (1) Definition of Quality; (2) Product Brief & Spec; (3) Quality Control Plan; (4) Quality Improvement; and (5) Quality Goals.
Mrs. Betty said that in simple terms, quality is aimed at meeting consumer needs. He gave an example by comparing GUCCI bags with bags sold in the market and asking which bag is better quality? In this case, we cannot determine the quality based on the price because it is the customer who judges. The customers for GUCCI bags and bags sold in the market are different, so when we compare the quality, we need to adjust it to the target market. As for food products, there are 5 criteria for food products that are in accordance with consumer desires, namely: 1) Tasty (enjoyment when consuming food products); 2) safe (does not cause pain); 3) benefits for health; 4) ease of providing feedback; and 5) the right price (price according to the market and must generate profit so that the product can survive in the market). He also said that customer satisfaction is number 1 because businesses in the food sector have many competitors so we must have innovative breakthroughs to meet customer satisfaction.
Beti Febriana Lestari, STP emphasized that all universities must always review and update their study program curriculum in order to adapt it to the skills needed in the industry. Through the holding of this public lecture, it is hoped that it can provide insight into the practical picture for students of chemistry study programs to become Quality Controls in the future when they work in industry.
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