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BSc in Chemistry Study Programme Passed University Level Selection on Independent Campus Competitive Programme
The implementation of the MBKM curriculum requires study programs to be active in improving the quality of graduates so that they are ready to be accepted in the industrial world and have the ability to create jobs. As an effort to improve the quality of graduates, study programs need to improve the quality of education delivery. In accordance with university policy, the implementation of the MBKM curriculum in the Chemistry Study Program of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNY is strived to support the mission of UNY to become one of the recognized educational universities in the world. Capitalized on this goal, the Chemistry Study Program of FMIPA UNY is determined to participate in the Free Campus Competition Program (PK-KM) organized by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture.
Each university can only propose a maximum of 5 study programs to be able to compete in PK-KM. Therefore, UNY selected the 5 best study programs based on the PK-KM proposals proposed by each study program. The Chemistry Study Program of FMIPA UNY successfully passed the selection at the university level from a total of 11 competing study programs. Each proposal is assessed by two assessors who come from different faculties from the faculty of the proposer study program. This appraisal process resulted in 5 proposals with the highest scores that would be proposed to the selection of grant proposals at the Directorate General of Higher Education, Kemendikbud. The five study programs are: (1) Chemistry, (2) PGSD, (3) English PB, (4) Public Administration, and (5) PKO. The five proposing study programs whose proposals will be proposed to the Directorate General of Higher Education will be accompanied by a team that proposes UNY grants.
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