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Celebration of 64th Dies Natalis of Chemistry Education Department
The celebration event in the framework of the anniversary of the chemistry education department, FMIPA, UNY was held on Friday, October 23, 2020 in online mode via zoom cloud. The ceremony was preceded by remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the head of the department, followed by a tumpeng cutting event, announcement of the winner of the competition for alumni, and a talkshow with alumni. The theme of the tasyakuran event raised was "a form of gratitude to build a spirit of achievement towards a superior generation".
In his speech, the Dean of FMIPA UNY, Prof. Dr. Ariswan expressed his appreciation to the Chemistry Education Department for the achievements and advised the students to continue working and achieving. As for Dr. Retno Arianingrum as Head of the Chemistry Education Department gave her speech and said that the age of 64 is not a young age anymore so that it should be grateful, especially for the several achievements that have been obtained including: (1) bachelor of chemistry study program, bachelor of chemistry education, and master of chemistry education which has been accredited A by BAN-PT; (2) the three study programs have also been accredited internationally by ASIIN from Germany; (3) AUN-QA certified for the Chemistry Education study program; (4) the increasing number of professors and head lecturers. The hope is that as you get older, the chemistry education department will get even better in the future.
The tumpeng cutting ceremony was carried out symbolically by senior lecturers in the chemistry education department, namely Prof. Dr. Indyah Sulistyo Arty accompanied by the head of the department, namely Dr. Retno Arianingrum and given to the youngest lecturer, Nur Fitriyana, M.Pd. After the tumpeng cutting ceremony, it was continued with the delivery of messages to the department by the lecturer who had retired, namely Ir. Endang Dwi Siswani, M.T. which continues to motivate lecturers and students to continue working and maintain the good name of the institution. He also conveyed to students that after graduating students can then join as a member of IKAKA as a place to bridge the graduates with students who are still studying on campus.
As for the results of the competition for alumni for the category of ICT-based chemistry learning media, 1st place was won by Yogo Dwi Prasetyo, M.Sc., 2nd place was won by Marcus Rustanta, M.Pd., and 3rd place was won by Shinta Pramudyasiwi, S.Pd. On the other hand, for the green chemistry video competition category, 1st place was won by Rizal Aditya Irfai, S.Pd., M.Sc., 2nd place was won by Sudono, S.Pd., and 3rd place was won by Hj. Annisa Budhiarti, S.Pd.
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