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Entrepreneurship Programme Series #1

On Friday, July 16, 2021, the Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNY, held the Entrepreneurship Program Series #1 activity. This activity is one of the sub-activities of Improving the Quality of Education Implementation from the Merdeka Campus Competition Program (PKKM) which was achieved by the Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA UNY. The resource persons in this Entrepreneurship Program Series #1 activity were Mrs. Wenny Tri Suryani, S.Si. who is an alumni of the Chemistry Study Program class of 2000. Mrs. Wenny has experience as a Franchise Development Manager at PT. K-24 Indonesia which is responsible for developing the K-24 Pharmacy Franchise Business to 280 outlets spread from Aceh to Papua. His current activities include the following.
- Founder of Fantastic Frozen Foods, Fast Food Frozen Food Company.
- Founder Wenny Consulting (Business Training Services, Team Training, Coaching)
- Co-founder of Culinary Penyetan Mas Kobis
- Co-founder of Master Pharmacy
- Best Seller Book Author entitled Secret Book "Printing Good Sales HR"
- Author of the book "Branding is Important"
On that occasion, Mrs. Wenny shared tips in entrepreneurship based on her experience. He mentioned that there are 5 steps to starting a business today, namely:
- Seize opportunities that are around us which must also be adjusted to passion
- Understand the target market of the business to be carried out
- Measuring risk
- Take action by realizing the plan C
- onsistent and positive thinking accompanied by prayer
Through this activity, it is hoped that it can add insight and inspiration to students which is useful for fostering the entrepreneurial spirit of students.
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