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The National Seminar on Chemistry, 2024

The National Seminar on Chemistry was held on Saturday, 9 March 2024 by The Chemistry Student Association of FMIPA UNY. This seminar is one of a series of the annual National Chemistry Fair (NaCF) 2024 events. The 2024 National Seminar on Chemistry carries the theme ‘Implementation of Chemistry Science and Chemistry Education as an Effort to Improve the Quality of Renewable Energy Through the Contribution of Young Intellectuals to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals 7’. The seminar was held offline on the 4th floor of the IsDB Fishipol Building with around 283 participants from students, teachers, and the general public.
The first speaker of the UNY 2024 Chemistry National Seminar was Prof. Dr. rer. nat Evvy Kartini, the Founder of the National Research Battery Institute who discussed ‘Management of Renewable Energy Effectiveness in Efforts to Achieve SDG's Program’. Along with her, there was Dr Ahmad Agus Setiawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. He is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics at Gadjah Mada University. As a renewable energy expert, Dr. Ahmad spoke about ‘Optimising the Quality of Renewable Energy Through the Role of Chemistry for the Realisation of the SDG's Program’. As for the last speaker, Dr. Cahyorini Kusumawardani, M.Sc., was a Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry Education, Yogyakarta State University. On this occasion, he brings up the topic of ‘The Role of Chemistry Education in the Development of Energy-Based Research to Improve Environmental Stability’.
In her presentation, Prof. Dr. rer. nat Evvy Kartini explained that SDG 7 regarding clean energy that can be accessed for all can be realized with a joint commitment from the government, the private sector, and all stakeholders to build a sustainable ecosystem. Batteries are key in the global energy transition that connects the world's battery supply chain for EV electrification and energy storage in renewable energy plants. Education integrated with training and competency improvement in the field of renewable energy and batteries is crucial in welcoming the era of energy transition towards net zero emission.
Dr Ahmad Agus Setiawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D added more to the discussion, he spoke about how the current energy condition is still dependent on fossil energy, while the primary energy mix and the use of renewable energy are still minor. Coal still dominates when it comes to national energy utilization. Also, the carbon emissions released by coal are very large and not environmentally sustainable. The potential of renewable energy has not been realized. Even today, only 2.6% of the total potential is harnessed. Strategies that can be carried out to increase the renewable energy mix to reach 23% are by implementing the construction of renewable energy plants in accordance with the RUPTL, implementing the Rooftop Solar PV program, converting diesel plants to renewable energy, biomass co-firing program in PLTU, and many more.
Using a different perspective, Dr. Cahyorini Kusumawardani, M.Sc. explores that chemistry education and teaching play an important role in the development of renewable energy technology which is one of the important aspects of the circular economy. The application of the circular economy concept in all fields can achieve the target of environmental stability and sustainability.
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