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Visitation of Internal Quality Audit of Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Study Programme
Internal Quality Audit Visitation for Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Study Programme held on Thursday 3 December at 08.00 and it was conducted online. The activity was attended by UNY's internal auditors, namely Muniya Alteza, the Coordinator of the Chemistry Study Program, Dr. Retno Arianingrum, Secretary of the Department of Chemical Education Erfan Priyambodo, M.Sc., and the Chemistry Study Program Quality Assurance Group, namely Dr. Isana SYL and Dewi Yuanita Lestari, M.Sc.
According to the auditor, filling in the forms is very good, various documents are complete, but there are a number of things that need confirmation as well as several opportunities for improvement that need to be noted. These include the following.
- Not yet available curriculum determination documents. Even though the curriculum book has been signed by the competent official, there is no document that determines which curriculum will be enforced, especially when there are currently 3 curricula in effect, namely the 2014, 2019, and 2020 curricula.
- The number of lecturers providing academic guidance at least 4 times in one semester has no proof documents even though this activity has gone well so it needs to be completed.
- The number of lecturers participating in the training at least 2x in 1 year has also not been documented. Based on the results of the Desk evaluation, it appears that chemistry study program lecturers tend to choose the path of publication in international journals or seminars compared to national / regional seminars / journals or write in mass media, both local / national and international, this can be seen from the high data of chemistry study program lecturers' publications in journals and seminars. international.
- Even though the cooperation between the Chemistry study program and foreign agencies has been going well, there are no PPM activities carried out with the help of foreign funds. This is an opportunity for improvement for the chemistry study program to improve the quality of PPM.
Through internal audit activities that have been carried out, it is hoped that the UNY Chemistry Study Program can improve its quality and compete in the global world.
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