• Post date: 06/04/2021 - 12:31

    The Chemistry Student Association (HIMA) of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNY, will hold a 2021 Chemistry Education Department Dialogue on Friday, June 4, 2021 with the theme "Dare to express, echo the voice, through the aspirations of Jurdik Kimia". Dialogue is a routine activity every year that aims to evaluate and reflect on learning activities, facilities, academic services, to other activities that support the learning process in the chemical education department. This activity was attended by administrators of the chemical education...

  • Post date: 03/20/2021 - 11:26

    ISO 17025: 2017 is a standard set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) which regulates the quality management system of testing and calibration laboratories. There are 8 clauses on ISO covering the scope, normative references, terms and definitions, general requirements, structural requirements, resource requirements, process requirements, and management system requirements. The presentation of the material ISO 17025: 2017 was delivered by Zuhrawaty, S.Si., MT from the Research and Standardization Center of the Ministry of Industry at a general lecture on Industrial...

  • Post date: 03/13/2021 - 15:23

    NaCF (National Chemistry Fair) is an annual event organized by the Yogyakarta State University chemistry student association. At NaCF there are two series of events, namely the Chemistry Competition (CeC) and the National Seminar on Chemistry. The theme raised at this year's NaCF is "With Chemistry to Enhance Productivity In New Normal Era". The hope of raising this theme is with chemistry and through the activities in NaCF 2021 it can increase our productivity in the current new normal era.

    The CeC (Chemistry Competition) event is a competition event consisting of a national...

  • Post date: 03/12/2021 - 09:39

    Preparing to enter the world of business and industry is a must for chemistry students in their top semester. Through a guest lecture held on Friday, March 5, 2021 at 1:00 p.m., as many as 207 students taking Industrial Chemistry and Industrial Management courses listened to material on Operations and Production Management delivered by Mr. Mahbub Junaedi, S, Si from PT. Indochem Semesta Semarang.

    The speaker explained that production management is an activity to regulate and coordinate the use of resources effectively and efficiently to add value to goods/ services. Production...

  • Post date: 02/14/2021 - 07:29

    Lectures for the even semester of the 2020/2021 school year at Yogyakarta State University have started since February 8, 2021. The conditions of the Covid 19 pandemic that have not yet ended have made the lecture process continue to be carried out using the online method.

    February 13, 2021, the inaugural lecture of Nanochemical Technology at the Department of Chemical Education, Yogyakarta State University has also been carried out. The Nanochemical Technology course is an elective course in the Chemistry Study Program of FMIPA UNY which studies material engineering technology at...

  • Post date: 01/31/2021 - 08:06

    The implementation of the MBKM curriculum requires study programs to be active in improving the quality of graduates so that they are ready to be accepted in the industrial world and have the ability to create jobs. As an effort to improve the quality of graduates, study programs need to improve the quality of education delivery. In accordance with university policy, the implementation of the MBKM curriculum in the Chemistry Study Program of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNY is strived to support the mission of UNY to become one of the recognized educational universities in...
