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Cooperation Between the Chemistry Study Program and the Autochem Industry LLC

Yogyakarta, 25 July 2024-Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA-UNY received a visit from Autochem Industry LLC. Autochem Industry LLC is a company that imports, manufactures, sells, and distributes lubricants for automotive and vehicle maintenance products. The company's head office is based in Jatiluwung, Tangerang, Banten. As the team leader of Autochem Industri, Mr Robby stated that after seeing the laboratory facilities in the Department of Chemical Education, he was very optimistic that there would be opportunities for his company to work together in the field of product development research and analysis. In addition, one of the alumni of the Chemistry Study Programme UNY has become part of the staff at Autochem Industry LLC and is considered to be a decent employee. The event was accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNY - Prof. Dr. Dadan Rosana, Head of the Department of Chemistry Education - Dr. Retno Arianingrum, Secretary of the Department of Chemistry Education - Erfan Priyambodo, M.Si. and Head of the Expertise Group within the Department of Chemistry Education as well as lecturers and students of the Chemistry Study Program. The Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNY, Prof, Dadan Rosana, M.Si. kick off the visit & discussion activity. He gave a note that this visit could result in cooperation between the Chemistry Study Program and Autochem Industry LLC in the field of Tridarma of Higher Education, namely Education, Research, and Service. The event was followed by a discussion moderated by the Head of the Department of Chemical Education - Dr. Retno Arianingrum. The discussion lasted approximately 2 hours and resulted in several cooperation agreements in the fields of Education and Research. The cooperation in support of the field of education was internships and Field Work Practices (PKL) for Chemistry Study Program students which is part of one of the compulsory courses. Meanwhile, cooperation in the field of research is that researchers in the Chemistry Study Program (lecturers) will begin industrial cooperation research. Prof, Dr Sri Handayani as the head of the KBK in Organic Chemistry gave a positive response to the research collaboration. Prof. Dr. Eli Rohaeti as the Coordinator of the S3 Chemistry Education Study Program who is also a polymer expert will be ready to conduct research in this industrial cooperation, especially in the field of polymers. Dr. Retno Arianingrum also welcomed this golden opportunity. This can certainly support lecturers in the Department of Chemistry Education to produce research products that can be utilized by industry and society. To welcome this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the Chemistry Study Program of UNY in the future will conduct an industrial visit to Autochem Industry LLC located in Semarang, Central Java to observe, analyze, and assess the problems that exist at Autochem Industry LLC which will then continue by conducting research and can be obtained research products that can provide effective solutions. As a conclusion of this visit, a cooperation agreement was made and signed between Autochem Industry LLC and the Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA-UNY. The document is proof of the commitment to the cooperation that will be undertaken by both parties.
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