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Internal Quality Audit Visitation for Bachelor Chemistry Program in 2022

On 30 August 2022, an Internal Quality Audit (Audit Mutu Internal /AMI in Indonesia) visitation of the Chemistry Undergraduate Study Program, FMIPA UNY was held offline. This activity aims to maintain the quality of lecture implementation to produce excellent Undergraduate Chemistry Study Program graduates. The auditor focuses on reviewing the quality of: (1) graduate competencies, (2) learning content, (3) learning process, (4) assessment, (5) lecturers and education personnel, (6) learning facilities and infrastructure, (7) learning management, and (8) learning funding.
There are several inputs provided by the auditor for the Undergraduate Chemistry study programme of FMIPA UNY as an auditee, including: (1) it is necessary to provide a matrix for each student to monitor the fulfillment of SLOs can be dealt with by asking for help from Academic Supervisors, (2) it is necessary to add a tracer study from the previous year so that the trend of the tracer study results can be seen with the latest, (3) The results of curriculum evaluation need to be online and provided on the study programme website, (4) it is necessary to provide concrete evidence that students already have a passion plan to follow the appropriate competencies, (5) The follow-up to the student service satisfaction survey should be submitted by the head of the faculty UPM in the form of RKF meeting records written by the dean's secretary, and (6) it is necessary to add the implementation of laboratory maintenance monitoring. Through this AMI visitation activity, it is hoped that it can improve the quality of implementation and graduates of the Undergraduate Chemistry Study Program of FMIPA UNY.
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Program Studi Kimia
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