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Socialisation of Caffeine-Free Coffee Making from Papaya Seeds Waste by Undergraduate Chemistry Students

On Friday, 30 September 2022, one of the Undergraduate Chemistry Students of State University of Yogyakarta (UNY), Frederico Yohanes Weruin, who is part of the UNY KKN Team K2022-26288, held a ‘Socialization of Papaya Seed Coffee Making’ activity with Family Welfare Program (PKK) member as the main target. The activity was conducted in an area that has rich resources of natural potential (papaya plants), namely Kropakan, Mranggen, Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java. The event ran smoothly and received a positive feedback from the attendees.
This program aims to educate the community that papaya seed waste is essential and useful. The whole thing began with a material presentation about the benefits of papaya seed waste which has the potential to become a processed caffeine-free coffee product or COPAS (Coffee from Papaya Seed), then continued with product testimonials, and filling out a product satisfaction questionnaire. Previously, Frederico Yohanes had conducted simple research and organoleptic tests related to papaya seed coffee products to make them suitable for consumption by the public. Therefore, the finished product is safe, suitable for consumption, and has various benefits. Hopefully, the participant can can utilise papaya seed waste into innovative products (COPAS) that can support the community's economy after following this program.
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