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Visiting Professor: Prof. Dr. Suyanta, M.Si., in The Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Malaysia

In a series of visits by professors from abroad, several lecturers from the Chemistry Study Program, Department of Chemistry Education, FMIPA, UNY have also had the opportunity to conduct visiting professors abroad. Prof. Dr. Suyanta, M.Si., one of the professors in the Chemistry Study Program with a field of expertise in Analytical Chemistry has been given the opportunity to visit Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia. His itinerary included research collaboration on Chemical & Biosensor of Chemistry and became a guest lecturer. The visit took place from 17-19 January 2024 at the Sultan Azlan Shah Campus, Proton City UPSI, Malaysia. In addition to these two main activities, Prof. Dr Suyanta also conducted an exploration of cooperation with UPSI in the fields of Education, Research, and Publications.
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