Preparation for Cooperation in the Chemistry Study Program of UNY - UNNES in the Implementation of the Independent Learning Curriculum - Independent Campus

On Saturday, August 14, 2021, the Chemistry Study Program of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of UNY initiated a collaboration with the Chemistry Study Program of the State University of Semarang (UNNES). The activity was carried out online through Zoom Meetings and was attended by representatives of the department's management and lecturers from each chemical study program of each institution.

At the initiation of the collaboration, they discussed the offer of the Twin Lecturer program and Student Credit Transfer, which basically is a reciprocal system and is mutually beneficial to both parties. The implementation of lectures is expected to be carried out for a minimum of 2 meetings both in and out and a maximum of 8 meetings. If it is only done for 1 meeting, it will look like a guest lecturer/guest lecture. The division of meeting sessions is left to the course lecturers and collaborators or can be adjusted to the topics discussed in the lecture. Associated with technical constraints that may be experienced is the difficulty of using LMS from each university which is different in type because it is related to reducing the number of lecturers' teaching burdens. A possible solution is the issuance of the rector's decree for the twin lecturer program and credit transfer from each university. Because the odd semester lectures will start in 2 weeks, so each study program must immediately make offers and registrations to students. In addition, each study program also needs to send a schedule and RPS for each subject that will be collaborated. The planned courses that will be carried out by the twin lecturer program are Natural Materials Chemistry and Molecular Dynamics courses. Furthermore, Enzymology, Toxicology, and Catalyst Chemistry courses are planned for the credit transfer program.

Through this collaborative discussion initiation activity, it is hoped that the planned Twin Lecturer and Credit Transfer program can run well so that it can improve the quality of chemistry learning and have implications for improving the quality of chemistry study program graduates from each institution.