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Finalist Presentation of Alumni Competition: ICT Based Chemistry Learning Media & Green Chemistry Video
One of the activities held by the Department of Chemistry Education, FMIPA, UNY to celebrate the 64th anniversary is by holding a special competition for alumni. Contests held for alumni include a green chemistry video competition for the community and an ICT-based chemistry learning media competition for high school / vocational high school students.
The committee selected three finalists from each competition category and provided the opportunity for the finalists to present the products they made on October 21, 2020. Aspects of media competition assessment include material substance (curriculum relevance), originality, software engineering elements (convenience, operation, and compatibility) as well as elements of visual communication (communicative, creative, interesting). The video training includes conformity to the theme, narrative elements (ideas, concepts, and messages conveyed), originality of the story, and cinematic elements (shooting techniques, sound, setting, and editing).
The facilities offered from this special competition for alumni are e-certificates, with a total prize of Rp. 5,000,000, and the winners will get an invitation to celebrate Dies Natalis Jurdik Kimia. The winners of the competition will be announced on October 22, 2020 and will be invited to take part in the Chemical Anniversary celebration on October 23, 2020.
Sistem Informasi
Kontak Kami
Program Studi Kimia
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. (0274)586168 Pes. 115
Email: atau
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