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The implementation of Webinar Series # 5 organized by the Department of Chemistry Education, FMIPA, UNY in commemoration of its 64th Anniversary was held on October 23, 2020 through Zoom Cloud. In this webinar series # 5, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Karachi, Pakistan (Mr. Totok Prianamto), Dean of FMIPA UNY (Prof. Dr. Ariswan), and Head of the Department of Chemistry Education (Dr. Retno Arianingrum) gave his speech. The speaker who filled the webinar series # 5 is Dr. Munazzah Meraj from Peoples University of Medical & Health Science Women Nawabshah-Shaheed Benazirabad, Pakistan and Dr. Muhammad Aqil Aryan Wong from Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia.
Dr. Munazzah Meraj, with the expertise of Biochemistry, delivered material on Enzyme Applications. As we know that enzymes are biological catalysts that accelerate biochemical reactions without undergoing changes to the enzymes themselves. Basically enzymes are natural proteins except ribosomes, for example amylase, reductase, oxidase, and pepsin. The application of enzymes in life includes diagnosing disease, as a therapeutic agent, and as an analytical agent. For example, the enzyme catalase plays a role in the rubber industry where this enzyme accelerates oxygen from peroxide to convert latex into foam rubber.
On the other hand, as a continuation of the topic presentation by Dr. Munazzah conducted by Dr. Muhammad Aqil Aryan Wong who is a lecturer and researcher in the fields of microbiology and protein chemistry. Dr. Aqil conveyed about Genetic Engineering for Enzymes in Industry and Environment. Dr. Aqil conveyed about several enzyme applications in the industrial and environmental fields including: (1) in the pharmaceutical sector, the use of transaminase enzymes, lipases, proteases, nitrile hydralase, and penicillin acylase to synthesize intermediates to produce active pharmaceutical ingredients; (2) in the food processing industry, the use of trypsin, glucose, isomeration, papain, and pectinase enzymes is useful for converting starch into glucose and producing corn syrup with high fructose content; (3) in the paper and pulp industry, the use of lipase, cellulase, and xylanase enzymes serves to remove lignin, repair fibers, and increase the whiteness of paper.
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