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Launching of PKKM 2021 Activities by Yogyakarta State University

The launching of the PKKM 2021 activity at Yogyakarta State University was held on Thursday, July 8, 2021 online through a zoom cloud meeting. This activity was attended by 75 participants consisting of the rectorate, the deans of FMIPA, FIK, and FBS, taskforce, and lecturers of chemistry study program, English language education, and sports coaching education. The activity began with a report by the vice chancellor for academics and cooperation, Prof. Dr. Margana. He said that UNY was included in the league 1 grant application category because UNY had more than 18,000 students. The implementation of PKKM begins with socialization, internal selection, finalization, selection of reviewers by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the final announcement. A total of 3 study programs that passed the selection and received grants were Chemistry from FMIPA, English Education from FBS, and Sports Coaching Education from FIK out of a total of 5 study programs proposed by UNY.
The launching was carried out by the Chancellor of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes AIFO. He said that each study program must ensure that this PKKM is a noble activity that should be grateful for in the hope that it will provide benefits. All academics in each study program are expected to be able to participate well and not be careless because this PKKM is an extraordinary mandate.
Furthermore, the head of the university taskforce team Mr. Basikin, Ph.D. said that there are 3 main focuses of PKKM activities that are the focus of improving the quality of higher education, namely as follows.
- Improving the quality of graduates
- Lecturer quality development
- Improving the quality of learning
Through this PKKM activity, it is hoped that it will contribute to the quality of higher education as reflected in the quality of lecturers and the implementation of quality learning and produce graduate outputs that are quickly absorbed in the world of work.
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Program Studi Kimia
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. (0274)586168 Pes. 115
Email: atau
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