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Workshop on Preparation of Master of Chemistry Forms

On Saturday, August 21, 2021 the Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA, UNY held a Workshop on Preparation of a Chemistry Master's Form. The resource persons who were invited to this workshop were Dr. Kastam Syamsi, M.Ed. This activity was attended by: (1) vice chancellor for academics, (2) dean of FMIPA UNY, (3) vice dean for academics and cooperation at FMIPA UNY, (4) vice dean for general and finance, FMIPA UNY, (5) program coordinator Study S-1 Chemistry, S-1 Chemistry Education, and S-2 Chemistry Education, (6) Independent Campus Competition Program taskforce, (7) Head of Expertise Group in Chemistry Education Department, FMIPA UNY, (8) Chemistry Master form team, and (9) education staff of FMIPA UNY.
This activity began with the submission of a draft of the Master of Chemistry Program form by Prof. Dr. Hari Sutrisno with moderator Dr. Dyah Purwaningsih. Prof. Hari conveyed several main things related to the forms that have been successfully compiled, namely: (1) There are several foreign universities that are equivalent if MIPA UNY establishes a Masters in Chemistry program, one of which is Chiang Mai University, Thailand, (2) Regarding Human Resources (HR), educators/lecturers who have a S1-S3 background in Chemistry are still quite limited, and (3) One of the things to worry about is related to the scope because UNY is an ex-IKIP so that raises concerns about establishing a master's program with a background in pure science.
After a short presentation delivered by Prof. Hari, the activity was continued by examining the draft of the Master of Chemistry Program form by Dr. Kastam Syamsi, M.Ed. Dr. Kastam provided several inputs, including those relating to the following matters.
- In the draft form, there must be 5-6 homebase lecturers with an educational background of S1-S3 Chemistry as evidenced by supporting documents.
- The accreditation of the Chemical S1 study program with an A predicate strongly supports the proposed Master of Chemistry program.
- The uniqueness and advantages of the Master of Chemistry study program have been very well designed.
- The formulation of Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) is good.
- It is necessary to prepare at least 5 examples of Semester Lesson Plans (RPS) from core courses in the Chemistry Masters program curriculum that have been designed with the compilers being prospective subject teachers.
- Internal Quality Assurance Standards (SPMI) need to be developed more fully.
After being given input by Dr. Kastam, the form team continued the activities by revising and completing supporting documents for the Master of Chemistry form. The form is planned to be proposed in October this year so that if the proposal process is granted, it can propose the registration of the Master of Chemistry study program in the UNY New Student Admission (PMB) system in February 2022.
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Program Studi Kimia
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. (0274)586168 Pes. 115
Email: atau
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