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Two Lecturers of Chemistry Study Program: Prof. Dr. Isana Supiah Y.L. and Dini Rohmawati, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. Successfully Achieved Their Students to Become P2MW Awardees of 2024

The State University of Yogyakarta ranked first in the nation for the total funding of proposals for the ‘Student Entrepreneurship Development Program (P2MW) 2024’ from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Republic of Indonesia. The number of proposals that received funding was 19 out of 2017 proposals that were funded. P2MW is a business development program for students who already have a business through development and coaching funds by providing business assistance and training to P2MW participants. In the meantime, the Faculty of Mathematics and Science ranked second in Yogyakarta State University after the Faculty of Engineering with 4 P2MW proposal titles that received funding.
The acquisition of P2MW funding is a matter of pride for the UNY Chemistry Study Program because there are two lecturers from the Program, Prof. Dr. Isana Supiah Y.L., M.Si. and Dini Rohmawati, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. who were appointed as supervisors have succeeded in delivering their students to win P2MW proposal funding in 2024. The proposal with the subject ‘ECOBLOOM AS INNOVATION OF ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY AGRICULTURE PRODUCTS BASED ON ORGANIC WASTE WITH LOCAL FARMERS’ DEVELOPMENT’ in the field of Cultivation with Adinda Nurul Putri Maharani as the leader and “PAMOKA Papaya Leaf Extract Solution as a Natural Immotilisation Material for Freshwater Fish” in the field of Manufacturing and Applied Technology lead by Yossi Prananda Leksono was deemed eligible for funding. These achievements can pave the way for further opportunities for students and supervisors to develop businesses that can benefit the wider community.
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Program Studi Kimia
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
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