Workshop on Accelerating Students' Final Project

In accordance with the vision and mission of the State University of Yogyakarta (UNY), The Department of Chemistry Education is currently making various efforts to prepare itself in order to make UNY a World Class University of Education (UKKD) characterized by its excellence in teaching and educational programs, research, publications, organization, and educational management. In the Chemistry Study Programme, the preparation of the Final Thesis (TAS) is one of the requirements for students to obtain a bachelor's degree in Chemistry. Students often encountered various problems in preparing TAS, including a lack of understanding of the technical preparation of reports, determining research methods, and many more. Coordination and TAS mentoring activities between students and supervisors are one of many attempts that can help and accelerate students' TAS writing activities. Coordination and TAS mentoring activities between students and supervisors are one of the efforts that can assist, as well as to accelerate students' TAS writing activities. The main focus of ‘The Workshop on Acceleration of Final Project (TAS) for Chemistry Study Program Students, FMIPA-UNY in 2024’ is to speed up the TAS writing for Chemistry Study Program students through proposal seminars and obtain suggestions and input on TAS proposals. The TAS acceleration workshop was held on Tuesday, 16 July 2024, and was attended by 100 students of the 2021 batch of the Undergraduate Chemistry Study Program. The program began with a material briefing by the speaker, Dr. Dra. Retno Arianingrum, M.Si. the Head of the Department of Chemical Education who also opened the event. The participants were then divided according to research interests to carry out proposal seminars which were conducted in parallel. The research interests in the Undergraduate Chemistry Study Program include Organic and Natural Materials Chemistry, Biochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical and Computational Chemistry, and Inorganic and Materials Chemistry. Each participant was given 15 minutes to present the TAS proposal and then a discussion with questions & answers session was held by 2 examiners. Further activities are that students are required to revise the TAS proposal that has received input and criticism from the examiners. This TAS acceleration workshop activity is an annual agenda of the Undergraduate Chemistry Study Program, Department of Chemistry Education, FMIPA-UNY. Thus, the Acceleration of Final Project (TAS) Workshop for Chemistry Study Programme Students, FMIPA-UNY in 2024 became a facility for students to improve the quality of the content of the TAS proposal so as to accelerate the completion of the their final project.