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PPKO Chemistry Student Association FMIPA UNY Team Prepares ‘Vegetable Corner’ with Hydroponic Technique

The PPKO Student Association FMIPA UNY team carried out community service activities with the theme of Climate Village in Randusari Village, Prambanan, Klaten, Central Java. Various activities were carried out as a form of program realization by the PPKO Student Association FMIPA UNY Team. One of the programs is the establishment of a ‘Vegetable Corner’ with hydroponic techniques. The purpose of this program is to educate the community to farm in a modern, sustainable, and environmentally friendly way, namely hydroponic techniques. The program began with the socialization to improve food sustainability using hydroponic methods by Dr. Suhartini, speaker from the Department of Biology Education, FMIPA UNY on Saturday, 10 August 2024 at the Joglo of Randusari Village Hall, Prambanan, Klaten, Central Java. This campaign aims to provide knowledge and educate Randusari Village residents, especially the Women Farmers Group (KWT) regarding the residents' skills to grow their own vegetables so that they can build food sustainability and help their economy as well as with the use of used bottles for planting vegetables using the hydroponic method. On this occasion, Mrs Suhartini, who is experienced in growing vegetables using the hydroponic method, delivered material on making hydroponics using used bottles, types of plants that can be grown using the hydroponic method, and planting models that can be used in the hydroponic method. The socialization was joined by Ibu Dini Rohmawati, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D. as the supervisor of Student Association FMIPA UNY, village officials, and Women Farmers Group (KWT). The following activity was the practice of making a ‘Vegetable Corner’ in each RW on Friday, 23 August 2024, carried out on the land of RW 2 and RW 7. Continued on Saturday, 24 August 2024 which was carried out on the land of RW 5, RW 9, and Randusari Village Hall. The practice began with assembling hydroponic equipment and then continued with planting vegetable seeds that had been sown. In this hydroponic system, bottles and pipes are used to facilitate the flow of water from one bottle to another. There are 4 types of plants planted in this ‘Vegetable Corner’, namely Mustard Greens, Pak Choy, Lettuce, and Pagoda. After the vegetable corner was done, we continued to make a greenhouse on each vegetable corner land so that the plants that are planted are protected from direct sunlight. Young people from the Randusari Village helped to complete the construction of the greenhouse.
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